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AI Spells Trouble for Creatives? A Conversation with Instagram Poet Nikita Gill

In the evolving world of creative arts, one of the most prominent discussions revolves around the role of technology. While AI poetry generators and software like ChatGPT are making waves, sparking both excitement and skepticism, the question of emotional intelligence and the "human touch" in creative writing becomes ever more crucial.

Recently, Instagram poet Nikita Gill, known for her emotionally rich poems and a massive following of over 700,000, shared her perspective on this subject in an interview with The LOAF Podcast.

Emotional Intelligence in Creative Writing

Gill, who has a background in graphic design, believes that the essence of creativity lies in the emotional intelligence artists bring to their work. "The client often doesn't know what they want, but they think they know what they want. So you have to psychologically analyze what the client actually wants," she says. This nuanced understanding and emotional labor, she argues, cannot be replicated by machines.

AI and the Future of Online Poetry

"I don't think AI could ever replace artists because the human connection that artists bring is too important," Gill asserts. While she and her friends sometimes experiment with AI-generated poems for fun, she acknowledges that something essential always seems to be missing. "There's that little bit of...human emotion you can't replicate."

The Question of Regulation and Tech Literacy

Another point Gill emphasizes is the need for those in power to understand technology before they can effectively regulate it. She cited the TikTok hearings in the U.S. as an example of how lawmakers often fall short in their understanding. "We are in this pivotal moment where all of the people who are in charge don't seem to understand what the technology is, and they are the ones asking the questions."

AI's Limitations: The Inability to Replicate Human Emotions

Despite the progress in technology, Gill reaffirms that AI cannot match the emotional depth and nuance that a human brings to the arts. "AI was being built to liberate the human masses to be able to pursue their creative pursuits," she states, doubting that a machine could ever fulfill this lofty promise, especially in the realm of creative writing.


While AI is increasingly sophisticated and promises to revolutionize many sectors, when it comes to the arts—be it poetry, graphic design, or any form of creative writing—the irreplaceable element seems to be human emotional intelligence. Nikita Gill's perspective adds another layer to this complex discourse, reminding us that while technology can augment the creative process, it cannot replace the emotional richness that a human provides.

If you're keen to delve deeper into Gill’s insights, check out our YouTube interview with her.

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